
    Zhijun Zhao

    Release time:2023-06-15Page View:


    Name: Zhijun Zhao

    Gender: male

    Title: Professor at Wenzhou University; Section Editor of Physiology and Behavior, Member of editorial board of Acta Theriologica Sinica, Journal of Wenzhou University (Natural Sciences), and Journal of Liaocheng University (Natural Sciences),

    Tel: 665632




    We have been working on Physiology and Ecological in small mammals, such as energy metabolism and adaptive regulation in physiology during growth, development, maturation, and reproduction in response to environmental changes. In detail, we are focusing on 1) boy mass/ fat regulation in response to high fat diet; 2) the roles of uncoupling protein (ucp) of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in protecting the body from fatness; 3) effect of food restriction and refeeding on body mass, fat mass and behavior; 4) the energy budget and behavior pattern in striped hamsters to cope with cold and hot temperature; 5) limits to sustained energy intake and reproductive performance in Swiss mice and Striped hamsters; 6) the energy metabolism and body temperature in ageing animals.


    Selected publications

    Zhao ZJ*, Cao J, Niu CQ, Bao MH, Xu JQ, Huo DL, Liao SS, Liu W, Speakman JR*. Body temperature is a more important modulator of lifespan than metabolic rate in two small mammals. Nature Metabolism, 2022, 4(3): 320-326.

    Huo DL, Bao MH, Cao J, Zhao ZJ*. Cold exposure prevents fat accumulation in striped hamsters refed a high-fat diet following food restriction. BMC Zoology, 2022, 7: 19.

    Wei Liu W, Zhao ZJ*. The thermal neutral zone is shifted during lactation in striped hamsters. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2022, 108: 103303.

    Bao MH, Xu XM, Huo DL, Cao J, Zhao ZJ*. The effect of aggression II: Acclimation to a high ambient temperature reduces territorial aggression in male striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis). Horm Behav. 2021, 132: 104993.

    Zhao ZJ*, Hambly C, Shi LL, Bi ZQ. Cao J, Speakman JR*. Late lactation in small mammals is a critically sensitive window of vulnerability to elevated ambient temperature. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020, 117(39): 24352-24358.

    Deng GM, Yu JX, Xu JQ, Bao YF, Chen Q, Cao J, Zhao ZJ*. Exposure to artificial wind increases energy intake and reproductive performance of female Swiss mice (Mus musculus) under hot temperature. J Exp Biol. 202, 223(Pt 17): jeb231415.

    Yu JX, Deng GM, Xu JQ, Cao J, Zhao ZJ*. The energy budget and fat accumulation in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) during post-lactation. Comp Biochem Physiol A, 2020, 249: 110755.

    Bao MH, Chen LB, Hambly C, Speakman J, and Zhao ZJ*. Exposure to hot temperatures during lactation in Swiss mice stunted offspring growth and decreased the future reproductive performance of female offspring. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2020, 223: jeb223560.

    Zhao ZJ*, Derous D, Gerrard A, Wen J, Liu X, Tan S, Hambly C, Speakman JR*. Limits to sustained energy intake. XXX. Constraint or restraint? Manipulations of food supply show peak food intake in lactation is constrained. J Exp Biol, 2020, 223(Pt 8), pii: jeb208314.

    Huang YX, Li HH, Wang L, Min HX, Xu JQ, Wu SL, Cao J, Zhao ZJ*. The ability to dissipate heat is likely to be a more important limitation on lactation in striped hamsters with greater reproductive efforts under warmer conditions. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 93(4): 282-295.

    Xu JQ, Xu XM, Bi ZQ, Shi LL, Cao J, Zhao ZJ*. The less weight loss due to modest food restriction drove more fat accumulation in striped hamsters refed with high-fat diet. Hormone and Behavior, 2019, 110: 19-28.

    Xu XM, Chi QS, Cao J and Zhao ZJ*. 2018. The effect of aggression I: The increases of metabolic cost and mobilization of fat reserves in male striped hamsters, Hormones and Behavior, 98: 55-62.

    Shi LL, Fan WJ, Zhang JY, Xiao YZ, Tan S, Wen J, Cao J, Zhang XY, Chi QS, Wang DH, Zhao ZJ*. The roles of metabolic thermogenesis in body fat regulation in striped hamsters fed high-fat diet at different temperatures. Comp Biochem Physiol A, 212, 35-44.
