
    Han Wenjuan

    Release time:2023-06-15Page View:

    Personal profile

    Han Wenjuan, female, Doctor of Science, lecturer, master's supervisor. Obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from Tianjin Normal University in 2010; obtained a Master of Agriculture degree from Northwest A&F University in 2013; obtained a Doctor of Science degree from Zhejiang University in 2017. Mainly engaged in research on restoration ecology, the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Presided over one project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and two projects of the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation. Publishing 17 research papers as the first author or corresponding author in journals such as Basic and Applied Ecology, Applied Soil Ecology, Ecological Engineering, Journal of Plant Ecology, Journal of Environment Science, Environment Science Pollution Research.

    Main research areas

    Restoration ecologyBiodiversity and ecosystem functioningThe technology of artificial wetland water pollution treatment

    Representative Publications

    1. Wenjuan Han, Yuanyuan Du, Chenxu Xiang, Yu Liu, Jie Chang, Ying Ge. Species identity but not richness affects effluent nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium concentrations and the ratios in floating constructed wetlands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022.

    2. Wenjuan Han, Jie Chang, Hang Jiang, Shaodan Niu, Yu Liu, Jiming Xu, Jianzhi Wu, Ying Ge. Plant species diversity affects plant nutrient pools by affecting plant biomass and nutrient concentrations in high-nitrogen ecosystems. Basic and Applied Ecology, 2021,56, 1-13.

    3. Wenjuan Han, Guomin Wang, Jinliang Liu, Jian Ni. Effects of vegetation type, season, and soil properties on soil microbial community composition in subtropical forests. Applied Soil Ecology, 2021, 158, 103813.

    4. Wenjuan Han, Xiaoling Sheng, Jiongni Shao, Jia Jiang, Qinru He, Ying Lin. Effects of Plant Diversity and Plant Density on Ecosystem Functions in Floating Constructed Wetlands. Water Air Soil Pollution. 2020, 231:544.

    5. Wenjuan Han, Jiayu Cao, Jinliang Liu, Jia Jiang, Jian Ni, Impacts of nitrogen deposition on terrestrial plant diversity: a meat-analysis in China. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2019, 12, 1025-1033.

    6. Wenjuan Han*, Jiang Jia, Qinru He, Huifang Huang, Jiahong Hu, Shimeng Hu, Jian Ni, Effects of nitrogen deposition and liming on the early regeneration of two dominant tree species in a subtropical forest of China. Ecoscience. 2019, DOI: 10.1080/11956860.2019.1570714.

    7. Wenjuan Han, Guiying Luo, Bin Luo, Chenchen Yu, Hai Wang, Jie Chang, Ying Ge*, Effects of plant diversity on greenhouse gas emissions in microcosms simulating vertical constructed wetlands with high ammonium loading. Journal of Environment Science. 2019, 77: 229-237.

    8. Wenjuan Han*, Ying Ge, Yuan Ren, Bin Luo, Yuanyuan Du, Jie Chang, Jianzhi Wu, Removal of metals and their pools in plant in response to plant diversity in microcosms of floating constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 2018, 113: 65-73.

    9. Wenjuan Han, Mengmeng Shi, Jie Chang, Yuan Ren, Ronghua Xu, Chongbang Zhang, Ying Ge*, Plant species diversity reduces N2O but not CH4 emissions from constructed wetlands under high nitrogen levels. Environment Science Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 1-11.

    10. Wenjuan Han, Jie Chang, Xing Fan, Yuanyuan Du, Scott X. Chang, Chongbang Zhang, Ying Ge*, Plant species diversity impacts nitrogen removal and nitrous oxide emissions as much as carbon addition in constructed wetland microcosms. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 93: 144-151.

    Research Projects

    1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China31901213Effects of Heterotrophs on the Relationship of Plant Species Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning in High Nitrogen Habitat2020/01-2022/12.

    2. The National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang ProvinceLY22C030003, Effects of plant species diversity and zoobenthos on greenhouse gas emissions from constructed wetlands2022/01-2024/12.

    3. The National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang ProvinceLQ18C030001The mechanism and mitigation measures of excessive nitrogen deposition in inhibit seedling growth of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba2018/01-2020/12, 8万元.

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